Mosaic – a unique representation of the living environment

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Interior design in mosaic designe is always unique and gives a note of features just as the client requires, and mosaic is also a creative tool for architectures and interior designers. Mosaico+ is an Italian product that combines innovative techniques, experimentation and cultural knowledge about mosaic and is precisely because of this the best product for your home. The special features of Mosaico+ have two specific characteristics, product personalization and solution customization. It is these two characteristics that mark the adventure in which the mosaic introduces you. The mosaic is made by hand as a custom composition, as part of special projects or mosaic assembly thanks to the finely honed skills of the master, all in the center located in the center of Italian mosaic traditions in Udine. Mosaico + modern philosophy is at the heart of innovation and continuous investment in research. Products can be found in the Il brand catalog.